Sunday, January 25, 2009

Current Events for the week of Jan 26th

Here are some current events going on at the church:

Greeters next week: Steve and Carl

Ushers next week: Chuck and John Smith

Nursery next week: Ashley and Heath Jackson

Mamie Keith's Birthday is today

Patsy Gilbert's Birthday is Monday

Joel and Betty have an anniversary on the 28th!

Attendance today in Church : 68 (wow!) :)

  • Feb 1st: Evangelism Team meeting in the Fellowship Hall 4pm

  • Feb 1st: The way Sunday School will be divided up/grouped/separated/whatever you want to call it is changing! Meet in the Fellowship Hall 9:30 to know where to go. If you are in the Revelation group, we will continue to meet until we finish our study in that book. With this, nothing is SET in stone. If you have ANY concerns, comments, etc. Please PLEASE see Suzy, Ian, or Melinda and we will try to help in whatever way we can. Give us a week or 2 to iron out all the details.

  • Feb 3rd: UMW (united Methodist women's group) is meeting at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. All women of any age are welcome! It will be a time of food, fellowship and devotion.

  • Feb 8th: Mission Team meeting 4:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

We had an administrative board meeting Sunday the 25th. I will be posting the bullet points from this meeting soon. As always, any meeting is open and ready to hear your opinion.

If you have a prayer request you want to add on the list, please write a note, put it in Ian's office on the desk, comment on here, etc.

First one!

Welcome to St. Paul United Methodist Church in Fort Payne's Blog! We hope you feel blessed by being here! We would love to have you join us each Sunday for worship at 10:45 AM. Our Pastor is Bro. Ian Conerly, our choir director is Sharon Jones and pianist is Frances Elrod.

St. Paul United Methodist Church is a diverse congregation of believers ranging in age from newborns to nineties. We are a mix of retirees, professionals, business people, college age, and youth. We are situated in the middle of Fort Payne, located between Lookout Mountain and Sand Mountain in the Northeast corner of Alabama. We average 70 people every Sunday, and look forward to the privilege of worshipping with you as well!

Youth is led by Suzy Conerly. Nursery is led by Anna Pratt and a church volunteer. Children's Church/Sunday school is led by Jennifer Pratt.

Our services are:
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:45 AM
Sunday Nights Bible Study: 5:00PM (this time is for youth as well as adults) Youth meet upstairs in the youth room. Adults meet downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
Wednesday Night: 5:30 choir practice in Sanctuary5:30 Youth Bible Study at the fellowship hall.

Our Motto is "the country church in the city."We hold to that, and provide an atmosphere of love and respect that comes with being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Keep checking back with us for more happenings and upcoming events at our church! God Bless you!